February 23, 2009

Achievement Spam

Posted in General, Guild, Raids, WoW tagged , , , , , at 5:29 pm by Andrea

It was yet another busy week for me and the guildies at <Abyss>. I have two more resets to finish gearing up the guild for the 25 mans we should be doing.  We spent the week taking two groups into Naxx 10. The first group got four bosses down, and the second group got 12. Why did one do so much better than the other? I’m not entirely sure, but I’m gonna guess it was luck of the draw and the route each group choose to take through the instance. I lead the second group and took them down spider first, then plauge, then construct and finally military. The other group started with the military wing. I’d assume that’s part of it. The other part would have been the gear levels of those involved. Our tanks and healers were already geared to begin with, whereas the other group had a healer and a tank that need some more lovin’. 

I did spend the day and ran that healer through 6 heroics though, so she’s much better off then she was. Overall just on runs I did, I saw more than 40 upgrades go out to guildies who needed them. Already I can see vast improvement of our DPS. I’m very proud of them for working so hard in only 1 week’s time.

So in between the massive heroics each day and a Naxx group going in daily, I found time to grind out my Argent Dawn rep to net me a title, and then I finished off my gnomer rep for a title there, too. On top of the Naxx achievements I didn’t have, it was a bit of spam this week. Now I’m focusing on Sporggar rep, and then I’ll move on to the other netural to exalted grinds I need for that title, as well. So far, I’m 20 factions into the 40 I’d like to eventually have.


20 Factions, Woot!

20 Factions, Woot!



Finally, as a guild we’re beginning to see what we’ve got, and getting to know each other. We did lose two DC’ers already, but everyone else seems to be going pretty strongly. Theres two or three that are being a little bit stubborn about the gear grind we’re having to do, but otherwise, everyone else seems to be on the same page. So, two more weeks of grinding, and off to 25s we go!

February 13, 2009

25 Man Naxx

Posted in Raids, WoW tagged , , , , , , at 6:19 pm by Andrea

wowscrnshot_021209_175356So, we ventured into our very first 25 man Naxx, and I did not have major expectations. Two of my healers were no shows, but we managed to fill the raid all the same, and it might sound bad to say, but we did way better then I expected us to. We started with the spider wing, and I must admit when the raid leader (who wasn’t me^.^) said that we’d be healing through the locust swarm, I had a little heart attack. I couldn’t heal through it in 10 man, how was I gonna do it in 25? Well, there was this uber druid helpin me out, and somehow we pulled through. (I would like to take a moment and be ashamed btw, I got SMASHED by that restro druid who overall outhealed me by 17%, despite his having 1800 healing and me having 2200).

It was messy, but we got it in one shot. We continued to 1 shot the rest of the bosses in the spider wing. We then headed into the Plague Quarter, and took a 1 shot at Noth, with minimal



deaths. We took two shots with Heigan the Unclean (I guess once to learn the dance, once to do it right). I was very impressed as DC had not done this boss before… I kinda intentionally avoided it in ten man, because the once we did try it, people were not understanding. Once we got Heigan, we headed over to Loatheb, but sadly we wiped once at 30% and the second time at 12% before we called it due to time. They’ll be going back on Monday, and I’m very excited for them.


So, now we’re into 25’s and I think we had a great start. So far, the merger votes have been in the positive… and everyone who went had great things to say. I look forward to having the two guilds together since they seem to get along fairly well…. now… I need to get the pallies to install pally power.

January 26, 2009

And So It Begins!

Posted in Guild, Raids, WoW tagged , , , , , at 10:56 pm by Andrea

Whoops, didn’t mean to neglect the blog for so long… also forgot about poor old Twitter too. It’s been an exciting week for <Damage Control>. We decided to take on the raiding as soon as possible and its been a fun trip so far. This week we’ve cleared Ten Man OS, Ten Man VoA, Naxx (Spider Wing, Patchwerk and Plague Wing up to Heigan the Unclean) and ALL of the Horde City Leaders! I think this is pretty damn good for spur of the moment raiding. I personally also finally managed to heal the last boss of Heroic Halls of Lightning. I have no idea why thats been so tough for me but it has.

Also in Andrea news… I’ve leveled Herb/Alch on my DK to 375. I want to get it up there to prepare pots and such for our raids. Im also working on my rogue still. She’s only 76. I have no idea why it’s pissing me off so badly but I am leveling her slowly all the same.

I’ve got some more informative posts circling in my head that I’ll hopefully have up for you all soon… in the meantime, have some screen shots of the guild’s achievements:


Ten Man OS Cleared

Ten Man OS Cleared










On the way to Patchwerk

On the way to Patchwerk


































Spider Wing

Spider Wing

January 7, 2009

Spider Wing Cleared

Posted in General, Guild, Raids, WoW tagged , , , , , , , at 6:21 pm by Andrea

I’ve been slacking on the posting. Been having some RL medical stuff come up and I’ve been extremely distracted by it. However, recently I got to see a REAL rogue and the kind of damage it can do, I leveled engineering up to 422, I fished my heart out for some coins and got the Silver in the City achievement, and I picked up my very last recipe from Dalaran, leaving me 14 short of my 160. There’s the tidbits, now on to the good stuff.

wowscrnshot_010609_184430As I mentioned, my group of server hopping guild searching refugees friends recently found a home in the guild Damage Control. Things have been awesome, and all in all I don’t think we’ve ever been so widely accepted before. Everyone seems to be happy and that leaves me a lot more time to worry about myself. Yesterday, was regular raid day for the guild. They’d been doing 1 group for 10 man Naxx. Last night, thanks to the addition of two uber awesome healers, (ahem) we were able to get two off the ground. Group 2, my group, had about half a raid full of nooblets, including myself, to Naxx, but that didn’t stop us. With only one wipe on the last boss in the Spider Wing, we managed to clear them all with EASE even, and started down the plague wing before calling it a night. Tonight the guild has Heroic OS, lets hope we can get him totally on our own.