November 13, 2008

Ketchikan Release Party!

Posted in Real Life tagged , , , , at 6:59 pm by Andrea


Garen and Andrea, Wrath Release 2008

Garen and Andrea, Wrath Release 2008

Oh man, it was my very first time going to a midnight release, and man did I have fun. Last time, for TBC, Garen went and camped out the Wal-Mart at 3 in the morning so he could be first by 7am. This time, we arrived at 10pm for the midnight purchase. Though it was my first time, Garen recongized some people, and other people remembered Garen. We started out with only 6 orginally, myself and Garen included, but over time, that number reached 22. The downside of the evening was that none of the collector’s editions showed up, so those that preordered it got regular editions, but that left no extra copies, and one of my real life friends was betting on there being extras. So I did the nice thing, I gave her my copy. Don’t worry, I picked one up at Wal-Mart this morning.



The Whole Posse

The Whole Posse

So last night though, it was about 39 degrees, and raining. We were all frozen to the bone. However, that did not dwindle the spirit of the WoW players. We talked about what realms we played on (none of us on the same one) and what our favorite moments in WoW are. We chatted briefly about how annoying the zombies were, and for the most part, we picked on a kid named Chris who was only level 55, but had pre-ordered his copy of Wrath all the same. One guy went so far as to “hump” the poor boy. He was laughing too though…. he even posed for a picture



under the handicap sign, the place we decided he needed to stand for the night for being only level 55.



Jokes were shared, stories told, laughs all around. All in all, I’m glad I went, it was an experience I’ll never forget, and I met some awesome people. Shout out to my fellow WoW players in Ketchikan, if you are reading this blog!

October 31, 2008

Two More Weeks…

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , at 9:48 pm by Andrea

Well, actually 13 more days, but you get the idea. Hubby and I went down to Wal-Mart to ensure the shipment would arrive on time to our tiny island in Alaska. We’re glad we did. Turns out Wal-Mart was late in placing the order and the expansion would not arrive on the island in time. At first, we fretted. No matter where we order from the game would show up late. However, we had a stroke of luck.

A friend told Hubby that our local movie rental store Movie Gallery, was going to take preorders for the game. We showed up and placed our orders. Upon ordering, we asked if they would be having a midnight release party. At first they said no, but Garen and I worked some magic and they agreed! So if you read this blog and live in the Ketchikan, Alaska area, come on down to Movie Gallery for the Midnight Release!

I hope I see you there!