December 19, 2008

Basic Training

Posted in Gear, General, WoW tagged , , , , , , at 5:36 pm by Andrea


Heroic Nexus

Heroic Nexus

Thats what I’m going to call this. Yesterday was an exhusting day for me. I ended up running three heroics (Violet Hold, The Nexus, and Uteguard Keep) with Lady Jess at my side throwing the heals. (Two healers in a heroic?! You read right, we have the awesome tank and DPS to pull this off, and successfully did so with PuGs. This is a very good option for healers when getting to know how the heroics work.) I also ran three regular runs as well… making for six runs total. Poofnstab hit 73 yesterday as well, and my DK, Darkenedlust, is nearing very close to 64. In terms of WoW it was a very productive day… in terms of my real life? Well, I did get off the couch to have a smoke here and there.


So, all of these runs netted me Revered with the Kirin Tor. Why them first? Well… this little head enchant would be the reason. Now that I’ve netted myself that, I’ll move on to the next rep. Ideally, this would be the Argent Crusade, for this helm and this ring… but since I’ve not gotten their tabbard yet, I’ll work for the Wrymrest Accord. After Argent Crusade, the goal is to work on the Sons of Hodir (whom I also don’t have a tabbard for yet… bad Andrea…. bad bad Andrea.) for their lovely shoulder enchants.

Finally, after many many runs in various regular instances, I got my first upgrade from an instance run… these shoulders… which have now nearly pushed me over the 1700 number on my spell power. Its getting easier and easier to heal but there are some encounters that make me nervous. Hopefully that will fade soon. Until then I’m taking that stripper…. I mean LADY Jess, along for the ride.

November 16, 2008

Good Job, Bliz

Posted in General, WoW tagged , , , , , at 2:29 am by Andrea


The Nexus

The Nexus

No really, this isn’t a crack shot. It takes a lot of work to keep a game of this scale running. I think Blizzard did a superb job with the transistion from TBC to WotLK. I’ve only experienced minimal lag. The frusterating things I HAVE encountered have been no fault of blizzard’s, unless you count making a game so awesome it attracts so many people that mobs are no where to be found and queues are sky high. In fact, thats what I’m doing right now…. waiting for my turn in the queue. We didn’t used to have a queue, now we have one 1000+. It’s mildly frusterating but I’m sure it will dwindle soon. Anyways, Pallylust is level 71. We already have a few 80s on our server but I am so through rushing it. I’ve taken my time, been playing with my hubby, and even fit in an instance. The zones are beautiful and the small details

The Nexus

The Nexus

go far. I specially love the death effect of some mobs, where they hit the ground and explode into dust upon impact. It’s a nice touch. And if you happen to do an instance, the Nexus is very pretty and a nice easy one to start with. I went last night and healed it with only one wipe, most of the trash mobs were cake. I also took some time to level fishing up a bit, and am LOVING the stat food available to me. I’ve got quite the to-do list still though.


So on that note, Im gonna go attempt to level some more.