July 20, 2008

As The Dust Settles…

Posted in WoW tagged , , , , , , , at 5:50 pm by Andrea

So I was gone for a few days from WoW and Blogging alike. I tried really hard to make sure we were all caught up in the daily life stuff so that my husband’s absence would be easier to manage. We did manage a lot but not everything I would have liked to. So far the children seem pretty good, but its only been an hour or so :P. LOL 1 hour down, forty days to go. Anyways, in the time I’ve been gone I noticed a few things went down in the WoW community, including

While I could probably say a hundred things about the list above I think I’ll just summarize since it seems enough has been said already. I actually dislike expansions. It makes me feel noob all over again, and when they drastically change one of my main characters it makes it that much more tiresome. My paladin is going to change, and I’ll adjust to it. Am I excited for it? Not really. I’ll go more into that at a later date. I could say the same thing about the Beta, except I am grateful for the occasional heads up so I can be less angry at the changes when they come. I wish I’d been present for the TNB live show, I’m sure it was good fun. I however was trying to spend some quality time with the husband and kids so we instead watched the series finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender together. The Achievements announcement sounds exciting though. I love little things like that and I’m certain I will shoot to get every single one I can.

Now that we’re past our summary of stuff I missed, I thought I’d share that my rogue has been level 68 for nearly two weeks now. I have no idea why I cant seem to just finish her off, but I will get on it asap now. Once she has her level, and some decent gear I’ll begin work on my next toon(s), the duel boxing hunters. Ive been toying with the idea of a shadow priest for some time now, but I have a holy one horde side. I’m just not sure I really want to respec her after all the work I put into crafting the gear she has. So I remain undecided about her. I really shouldn’t be thinking about this stuff at all until my rogue is finished though.

I did however log onto my warlock last night for a tiny bit. I left her about a year ago now on the old server as she was the GM of Infusion, and was constantly in Tell Hell. I somehow had thought that if I abandoned her for a year or so people would forget about me. Turns out they don’t. I logged in and was on no more then three minutes when three old guild mates gave me the standard “OMG ITS YOU” tell. I of course told them, “No its not, its just a figment of your imagination.” We chatted about content they’ve seen and they tell me how much they miss me and our guild. All in all polite conversation. A fourth eventually figured me out as well but his question was if I was coming back full time. Im not entirely sure what I wanna do. I love all my toons and now I feel like I need to pick a side.

I had logged on to Librasky to simply get her started on some SSO rep. When I left her oh so long ago, she was in near full season 2 gear. Now that’s the welfare stuff. Makes me sad. So I think I might start logging on in between the toons and get used to playing my lock again by doing her SSO dailies each day and that’s about it. Don’t tell anyone but I died twice trying to remember how to play her. Once the rogue is 70 I also plan to go on a crusade to hit the gold cap on at least one toon. Wish me luck on that.

Anyways that should catch us up to the present, I’m gonna go get started on a double rep grind and I’ll keep you posted on how that goes.

July 18, 2008

Real Life Steps In

Posted in Real Life tagged , , at 6:14 pm by Andrea

At least for a day or two. My husband is being deployed with the USCG for a month and we’re trying to get things in order before he goes. Might even squeeze in some quality time while we’re at it. He’ll leave Sunday morning and I’ll be back full force to fill in that gap of loneliness and boredom. Sorry I’m not savvy enough with this blog yet to prewrite posts, I’ll get around to learning that eventually. So wish me luck and I’ll see you guys in a few days!