January 7, 2009

Spider Wing Cleared

Posted in General, Guild, Raids, WoW tagged , , , , , , , at 6:21 pm by Andrea

I’ve been slacking on the posting. Been having some RL medical stuff come up and I’ve been extremely distracted by it. However, recently I got to see a REAL rogue and the kind of damage it can do, I leveled engineering up to 422, I fished my heart out for some coins and got the Silver in the City achievement, and I picked up my very last recipe from Dalaran, leaving me 14 short of my 160. There’s the tidbits, now on to the good stuff.

wowscrnshot_010609_184430As I mentioned, my group of server hopping guild searching refugees friends recently found a home in the guild Damage Control. Things have been awesome, and all in all I don’t think we’ve ever been so widely accepted before. Everyone seems to be happy and that leaves me a lot more time to worry about myself. Yesterday, was regular raid day for the guild. They’d been doing 1 group for 10 man Naxx. Last night, thanks to the addition of two uber awesome healers, (ahem) we were able to get two off the ground. Group 2, my group, had about half a raid full of nooblets, including myself, to Naxx, but that didn’t stop us. With only one wipe on the last boss in the Spider Wing, we managed to clear them all with EASE even, and started down the plague wing before calling it a night. Tonight the guild has Heroic OS, lets hope we can get him totally on our own.

July 10, 2008

A Call To Arms

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , at 6:59 pm by Andrea

I think I mentioned breifly that I retired from leading guilds and settled into Alliance territory in a guild called Ale and Arms. This guild so far has been a good match for myself and my husband. They have two teams that run at different times, an Evening Team and a Late Night Team. Seeing as I live in Alaska and this is an Eastern Standard Time Server, the Late Night works out well for me. However its not just me here. When I decided to depart from my long time love, my Warlock, and the Horde, I brought along 7 good friends I’d made along the way, including Dechion.

When I first applied us to our guild, the times seemed great for all involved. Dechion, Kheldorn, Phoshizzle and Dayzie could all make the Evening times, and Myself, Zerehemnah (the husband), Frozenblack, Hucksluck and Holymama could all make the Late Night. Even though this split us, it offered opportunites to the group to see content they hadn’t before.

Well, at least, so I thought.

Seems to be that nothing has gone according to plan. Dayzie has left our server to return to her horde character. Dechion and Phoshizzle have not recieved many (if any) opportunites to raid with the guild, and Phoshizzle is about to deploy for a month. Kheldorn has been tied up with school but overall is not thrilled with the leadership here. As for Late Night, Hucksluck and Holymama only recently reached 70 so have not yet begun thier adventure into any content. Frozenblack, myself and Zerehemnah are the only ones who have actively raided with our new guild.

But of course, in a guild there is always something dramra-ific going on. For one reason or another despite successes in raiding, quite a few Late Night members have stopped showing up, or left guild, and one even transferred off the server. So we are back at square one again. We’ve been asked to step up, and help out. We are actively recruiting but are not very optomistic that we will find many to join our ranks at such a late hour.

So, that leads me to wonder what I should do for my friends and I. Currently I aim to hang out, as I am not a fan of guild hopping. However I do not wish to remain here if the others are not content. All in all im not sure anymore what the best route for us will be. So cross your fingers for us that all turns out well in the end.