July 26, 2008

Popcorn! Get Your Popcorn!

Posted in General, WoW tagged , , , , , at 5:05 am by Andrea

No this is not a post about drama. Well, maybe it is. Today I wanted to share my thoughts about Warcraft Movies. Before we jump right in I want to make sure you are aware that some of these videos contain bad language. I find it amazing how much time and effort go into making these sorts of films. Some are done by studios, some for contests, and then there are those that do it for sheer hobby. I love the ones that tell a story, though sometimes watching an epic battle can be good fun too. Some ended up becoming series as seen with Zinwrath, Illegal Danish and Illegal Danish 2: EFO. Another popular series would be The Grind. Some videos are classics and everyone has seen them, Like Leroy Jenkins and The Onyxia Wipe. Some are newer and less known. I’ve even seen remixesof older videos that are just hilarious. I wish I had the programs and skills required to make this stuff but I simply don’t, nor would I have the time. Some of my husband’s and my favorites include:

I thought I would share these with my reader base! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.